The Neighborhood Watch is charged with reducing and preventing crime in our neighborhood. This active group of neighbors will serve as the liaison with the City of Arlington Police Department. CrimeWatch will work in conjunction with the LPVCA to accomplish goals.

The Goals of the Neighborhood Watch
Members will be responsible for deterring criminal activity, create a greater sense of security and reduce fear of crime, build bonds with neighbors and instruct residents on how to observe and report suspicious activities in the neighborhood.

Action Plan:
1. Work hand in hand with police and get police to increase patrols.
2. Get neighbors aware of who lives around them in case of emergency or absence.
3. When crimes occur find a consistent way to alert the neighbors.
4. Report information to the Communication Committee to post on the website to tell neighbors what happened, what to watch out for, and describe the suspected perpetrator.
5. Call or otherwise notify each other of any thefts or criminal activities.
6. Ask the Arlington Police Department to attend regular neighborhood meetings to present periodic updates on neighborhood crime rates.
7. Educate residents on how to protect themselves and their homes.
8. Provide information on alarm companies.
9. Encourage neighbors to be alert to unusual activities.
10. Increase awareness of vacant houses during the daytime.
11. Get as many neighbors involved as possible.
12. Work with Design Committee to improve street lighting and encourage use of motion detector lights at each home.
13. Initiate an “every other house, every other night” program to leave the front porch lights on at homes in the neighborhood.
14. Increase the number of “safe houses” that have been preapproved by the neighbors. A “safe house” is a home that displays a special sign (provided by the police department) in a front window or door so that children can easily find help or an adult when needed.
15. Maintain documentation for all meetings and “how to” documents to duplicate processes & procedures for future PALS members.
16. Insure that communications with the City of Arlington Engineering Department and Streets Department are maintained to ensure optimal drainage in the neighborhood.
17. Work to insure that neighborhood traffic does not negatively impact the quality of life for the residents.

Crime Prevention Brochures
All About Me  Child Identification Booklet
Armed Robbery  Deterrents and Responses
Car Watch  50 ways to watch your car (English)
Car Watch  50 ways to watch your car (Spanish)
HEAT STICK IT! to auto thieves
Home Security  A guide to home security.
Operation Identification  A citizen participation program to prevent burglary
Personal Safety  Personal Safety Tips
Suspicious What is suspicious? or When to call the police
Vehicle Burglaries  Vehicle Burglaries - City of Arlington statistics and prevention techniques

Predator listing
Local Offenders  Find out about local predators in our neighborhood!